The Counselor is IN:
Things I have Learned ... the Packers at the Vikings.
1) QB Brett Favre is old and can not play any longer... NOT! At 40 years of age (later this season) Brett can still fling the ball all around the field when he needs to. The Vikings are starting to let Brett play and this should open up the run more for Peterson.
2) QB Aaron Rogers is a good up and coming Quarter Back but he was no Brett Favre on this night. Rogers has not played in the big games like Favre has and it showed tonight. I know he wanted to beat the old man and his former mentor but it was not to be.
3) The Packer Defense is a good and opportunistic defense. They came in to stop Peterson and did a good job of it. It appears they should have focused more on Favre.
4) RB Adrian Peterson can be slowed down. Peterson had a sub par game in Minnesota which is rare. This opened the door for Favre which I believe will lead to more opportunities for Peterson later this season.
5) The Minnesota Defense is for real and vicious. They are hard hitting and can dominate the line of scrimmage. 8 Sacs on the night and one for a safety. OUCH!
6) WR Greg Jennings has amazing hands and concentration. His catch off of the deflection was phenomenal.
7) RB Ryan Grant has not looked like the same stud from a couple of years ago.
8) WR Percy Harvin looks to be way ahead of the 3 year Rookie WR learning curve. He is a fantasy starter right now.
Those are a few things I learned from the Packers @ the Vikings.
The Counselor is OUT:
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