The Counselor is IN:
Coming soon to Bookstores and magazine racks near you, Fantasy Football Magazines. They usually start hitting news stands in the middle of June. Most of them wait just long enough for the NFL Draft to finish and for them to add the information on those players in.
The FFM (Fantasy Football Magazines) come out this early because Fantasy Football Geeks (like me) want to start planning their dominance of their league early. The problem is that most will not have any updates from the mini camps, never less the real camp. The first bunch will not even have that Jimmy Smith retired from Jacksonville over the weekend.
I am not stating that you should not go out and buy yourself a magazine when they hit the shelf. I probably will. There are a couple of things to consider. Is it a user friendly format? Does it meet your needs for your team? Does it have free internet updates? The later one is very important since a good deal of the information will be outdated.
Just a few things to think about as the magazines start hitting the stores.
The counselor is OUT: